I.T. Supremacy
“I.T. Supremacy has a certain manic glee that a lot of films can’t match...
will nearly have you rolling on the floor in fits of laughter.”
-Jason C. Wilkerson, DigitalHippos.com
In this comedy packed with Bourne-style action, Jim Dawson rules the corporate world of Information Technology. While daydreaming about his heroic battle with a ninja hacker, Jim is suddenly interrupted by a stern F.B.I. agent, Violet Striker. The F.B.I. has discovered a massive security breach at Jim’s company, and demands that Jim take responsibility.
Jim Dawson, however, does not bow so easily to pressure. After informing Agent Striker that he oozes I.T. awesomeness, Jim turns his attention to his sidekick, Chris, and his new hire, Ken. While Chris has sharp I.T. talent, Ken has a slow mind and a lot to learn. In order to train Ken properly, Jim happily sings his self-composed “I.T. Love Ballad” and introduces Ken to the amazing server gnomes.
However, while Jim and Chris are having fun with the newbie, a very real threat looms in the shadows. Before long the entire I.T. team must work together to unravel a web of digital deceit and save the company.
27 minutes.
Official Selection
Green Bay Film Festival
Gen Con Indy Film Festival
Trail Dance Film Festival
Tenth Anniversary Version Now Available on
Prime Video and YouTube!
Marking the ten-year anniversary of I.T. Supremacy, director Ken Cole has fully restored the action-comedy to its original 27-minute version and released it on Prime Video and YouTube. Cole says, "it was an incredible experience to go back to those original elements and scenes, and then reincorporate them into the movie." A full six minutes of I.T. Supremacy were originally removed for its festival run in 2011, including a scene where Chris instructs a fearful Ken about the power of Information Technology, and a post-credits scene where Jim hilariously tries to convince his boss to buy new server gnomes. "I'm so glad everyone can see these scenes for the first time. It's a great opportunity to spend more time with these characters in Jim Dawson's I.T. department."
In addition to the restored scenes, all of the film's video and audio elements were restored to create a new 4K master. "From fight scenes with ninja hackers to Jim singing his I.T. Love Ballad to his staff, this is the full experience," says Cole. "I hope you enjoy watching I.T. Supremacy on Prime Video and YouTube!"
Ken Cole I.T. Supremacy Interview
Jason Wilkerson from Digital Hippos interviews director Ken Cole at the premiere of I.T. Supremacy at the Green Bay Film Festival.